Bhuvan Panchayat Version 3.0 Launched by ISRO.

Bhuvan Panchayat is a satellite program that’s powered by ISRO, launched on January 29, 2024. It allows users to research 2D and 3D representation of the earth.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) established the Bhuvan Panchayat model 3.0. For better preparation and tracking of government projects, ISRO will collaborate with all the gram panchayat members and members to understand their information requirements. The next variant of the portal site will offer database visualisation and solutions for the advantage of panchayat members, amongst others. The project is supposed to supply geo-spatial solutions to help g panchayat development planning procedure for the Ministry of Panchayati Raj.

This sort of specialized empowerment rewards officers specializing in the rural development ministry. It is a proud time to be related to ISRO in its interesting moment. ISRO and the Department of Science & Technology will be an important tool in creating of Modi’s brand new India. ISRO chairman K Sivan explained that information regarding water and land was required for grassroot level planning or preparation. The space-based data assistance for decentralised planning programme has been shot in 2011 to enable panchayati raj institutions and its own stake-holders to empower participatory and decentralized going in the nation.

The minister said, space technology is an essential instrument to realize Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of new India.

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