Management of Financial Service

Strategy For Integrating India With World Trade: India adopted an all-inclusive program of macro-economic stabilization and structural adjustment in June, ...

Crucial Policy Measures of BOP: The package of reforms initiated many policy measures. Two such policy measures brought significant changes in the balance ...

ROLE'S OF INVISIBLES IN BOP: In the exchange of goods and services between countries, there are visible and invisible exports and imports. Visible items ...

Most developing countries carry on current account deficits (CAD) in their balance of payments and get external capital to supplement their domestic savings ...

List of salient features of India's BOP are: India has always faced trade deficits except in 1972-73 and 1976-77 when there was a small surplus.Trade ...

Balance of Payment Accounting Overview: In balance of payments accounting, the balance of payments should be zero because every transaction is two-sided ...

Among the major problems faced by Indian exporters the crucial ones are poor quality image, high costs, unreliability, infrastructure bottlenecks, inadequacy ...

The three main type of Insurance Brokers are: The Direct Broker (between end-users and primary insurers only). insurance Brokers (between primary insurers ...

List of Miscellaneous Insurance or Non-Life Insurance. The miscellaneous insurance covers all the other fields that are not covered under fire, marine and life ...

TYPES OF LEASES. Leases are classified on the basis of the variations on the terms and conditions on which an asset is leased and the rights and obligations of ...

Operating and Financial Lease: Finance lease is a lease agreement in which substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset are ...

The rating of debt instruments offer benefits to the interested parties like investors, issuers and intermediary agencies like brokers, etc. The benefits to ...

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