Define Proprium. What are the various stages of development of the Proprium?

Proprium is a non-essential property common to all the members of a class and attribute. The Proprium was a term coined by Allport which represents the positive, creative, growth-seeking, and forward-moving quality of human nature. Through this concept he listed seven stages of development.

The Sense of Bodily Self, which is a sense of one’s own body, including bodily sensations, attests to one’s existence and therefore remains a lifelong anchor for self-awareness.

The Sense of Self-identity, which is the second aspect of the proprium is self-identity. This is most evident when the child, through acquiring language, recognizes himself as a distinct and constant point of reference.

The Sense of Self-esteem or Pride, which is an individual’s evaluation of himself and the urge to wan to do everything for oneself and take all of the credit.

The Sense of Self-extension, occurs during the third year of life, which states that even though some things are not inside my physical body they are still very much a part of one’s life.

The Self-image, or how others view “me” is another aspect of self-hood that emerges during childhood.

The Sense of Self as a Rational-Coper occurs between the ages of six and twelve in which the child begins to realize fully that he has the rational capacity to find solutions to life’s problems, so that they can cope effectively with reality demands.

Propriate Striving, which Allport believed to be the core problem for the adolescent. It is the selection of the occupation or other life goal, the adolescent knows that their future must follow a plan, and in this sense makes them lose. their childhood.

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