Discuss the Applicability of Social Work Methods in Industry.

Applicability of Social Work Methods.

Today social work extends to all stratum of association. It is a science having a group of experience and an art having expert techniques and skills of practice that are important to any problem situation at any level. The three key methods of social work, that is, social casework, social group work and community organization can be successfully used in business and industry. Their function will be of bringing about adjustment among men and women in business and their occupation situations.

Social work methods are:

Social Casework: Social casework can be successfully used in situations of person problems, such as depression, grievance situations, absentee situations, problems due to job loss, accident cases, etc. This method can be effectively applied at two levels:

  • Crisis arising due to family life, mental, financial and social factors.
  • Obstacle arising out of adjustment to work life due to location, behaviour problems, organization formation and programs etc.

Social Group work: Group work techniques can be used in some group situations to help the group to achieve their effectiveness and objectives through a harmonious progress of the group work process. It can be used in point consultation situations, such as labor administration board, joint bargaining contexts, building of group Spirits, etc.

Community Organization: At this juncture the social worker can assist industry to recognize the total community in which they exist and make use of its assets to benefit the community on one hand and the organization on the other. The harms, such as lack of learning services, proper recreation, health check services within the workers community, can be attended to by the Social worker.

Social Action: Social action technique would be helpful when the social worker gives services to the unions. Unions can today use the social worker’s experience and expert skills in putting forth demands, negotiating calm strikes helping and enforcing labor legislation’s etc.

Research: The function is to gather and establish facts pertaining to a variety of issues and problems in industry. It will help business to know the realities in organization worker relation. It has to be studied in its entirety. In such situations, a holistic approach of social work is very much required. He has to consider every worker as a whole at the shop floor, at home, in the community.

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