Distinguish between an Audit Program and an Audit Note Book.

Audit Program and an Audit Note Book.

An audit programme contains the description of the specific audit procedures to be performed in respect of different aspects to be covered, the extent to which those tests will be performed, and the timing of such tests. It also lays down the responsibilities of various members of the audit team for carrying out different tasks.

An audit program is a list generally in detail of steps to be followed in the course of an examination. It controls the nature and extent of examination, aids in arranging, timing and distributing the work, guards against possible omissions and duplication and provides part of evidence of work done.

An Audit Note Book is a book which is maintained by the auditor or his staff to record therein his observations during the course of his audit work. During the course of audit, the clerk comes across several difficulties or new points which he has to discuss with his senior or the auditor.

The Audit notebook is of great value to an auditor at the time of the preparation of the audit report. Thus, Audit Note Book is a book in which all such points which occur during the course of audit are recorded i.e. important queries, their replies, information and clarification sought, unsatisfactory replies received etc.

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