Explain the Concept and Uses of False Base Line.

False Base Line is a device relating to graphical presentation. This line is used to break the continuity of Y-axis with the origin. A false base line is used when figures start with high values. If we maintain continuity of the value from the origin then sufficient portion of the graph would go waste. In the diagram given here, since all the values are confined between 800 and 1100. Therefore, in such a case, a false base line is used. After the false base line, we can start from the actual high figures as shown in the graph.

Explain the Concept and Uses of False Base Line.

Objects of using False Base:

  • To magnify the major fluctuations on the graph so as to make them clearly visible.
  • To economise in space On X-axis also, we can represent false base by drawing a kinked line.
Explain the Concept and Uses of False Base Line.

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