Master Degree Programs

Bureaucratization in the modern world means that all spheres of public action have been professionalized and are run through bureaucracies. They are now found ...

RIGHTS AGAINST EXPLOITATION According to this right no person has a right to exploit any other person in any manner. Thus, traffic in human beings and begar ...

Rights of education is considered most important for the success of democracy and democratic institutions. This right also assumes importance because every ...

Right to Constitutional Remedies. No Fundamental Right can have any value or significance unless and until it has the force of law behind it: This right ...

The state is an organized political community, living under a government states may be sovereign and may enjoy a monopoly on the legal initiation of force and ...

Challenges for Human Resource Management (HRM). From the Industrial Age to the Information Age: Work performed in factories by machines is being replaced ...

The guidelines for better Human Resource Management (HRM) are: HRM aims to ensure that people with the right skills and abilities are available in ...

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