Smart Technology

Man-invented AI of this first 21st century will everlastingly be linked with this inconsistency. The term "artificial intelligence" is nothing more ...

Colors are a universal language which has the capability to talk without words. Eye-catching color combinations in display advertising helps in generating ...

Are you currently considering changing your present smartphone? Well, we're confident that you will not have the ability to take your eyes away from this ...

LG Electronics is Likely to establish its high-quality dual-screen smartphone in India on October 28. The Business chose Twitter to validate the coming of the ...

Swedish caller identification program Truecaller on Wednesday introduced innovative features, such as one which makes it possible for users to decide on a ...

Adobe released Illustrator for the iPad and Also Adobe Fresco for Its iPhone users along with new features like Neural Filters in Photoshop and Important ...

Google Assistant's Driving Mode was first revealed at Google I/O 2019, however, the firm has been comparatively quiet about it since then. Driving Mode was ...

International technology firm IBM will put up an Artificial Intelligence Centre of Meeting with the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) to bring transparency, ...

Artificial intelligence (AI) will help India overcome Language split and enable everyone to know any language, stated Prof Raj Reddy, and among the early ...

U.S. chip giant Nvidia is building Britain's powerful Supercomputer, which will use artificial intelligence to help scientists solve urgent health problems, ...

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